Senin, 04 Juni 2012


Dates are one of the popular fruit that comes from the middle east region, the fruit has become very popular and easily found when the pilgrimage season arrives. It was a date has become a gift for someone who must return from the pilgrimage. Dates also become one of the fruit that is characteristic of fasting during the month. A date or who have a scientific name Phoenix dactylifera is a palm plant of the genus Phoenix. Palm trees can grow as tall as 25 meters, and produce fruits that taste very delicious. Dates are believed to originate from around the banks of the Nile and the Euphrates rivers, although the original source is known with certainty because it did not set a date has been cultivated for a long time.
Dates have fibrous flesh is very soft and has a very sweet taste like sugar and honey flavor combinations. Dates have a tremendous benefit, the date palm fruit contained fructose and dextrose are easily digested and quickly recharge the body's energy. Therefore, the fruit is very good Kruma consumed when breaking the fast because it will quickly fill in the missing energy after fasting all day.Fruit Nutrient Dates
According to various studies have been conducted by experts, it has a list of dates nutrias incredible. Maturity dates contain 80% sugar, and the remainder is protein, fat and mineral products needed by the body. Dates contain carbohydrate, protein and fiber with a high enough level. Besides dates also contain minerals such as iron, magnesium, copper and folic acid. 5 dates (45gram) contains 115 calories and nearly all come from carbohydrates.Savor the Fruit Dates
Dates have various properties that have been proven scientifically or empirically. Bedouin Arabs eat dates on a regular basis every day has a very ekcil risk of cancer disease and heart disease. Dates are also rich in fiber which can prevent the absorption of LDL cholesterol in the intestine. Dates also contain anti-oxidants in the form of Tannins. Tannins useful as an anti-infective anti-inflammatory and anti-hemorrhagic

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